Directions to Our Office
From Highway 441 in Gatlinburg, turn at light #3 (right turn if you came through the national park, left turn if you came through Pigeon Forge). Move into the left lane and go 3/10 of a mile. Turn left into the L-shaped shopping plaza with Geno’s Pizza. We are in Suite 279: Oak Leaf Lodging
From Highway 321, enter Gatlinburg pass light 3a. After light 1a, move into the right lane. After Brookside Resort, turn right into the L-shaped shopping plaza with Geno’s Pizza. We are in Suite 279: Oak Leaf Lodging
The 2 parking spaces immediately in front of our office, and the two spaces immediately behind those spaces, are reserved for our guests.
Please call 866-430-3411 if you need assistance.